Friday 13 April 2012

Pitching my story..

Well, yesterday was the day for me to pitch my idea to my proposed candidates. I was prepared, my charm was cranked right up to 11 and i ensured i was reasonably dressed etc


Because i was going to approach Canberra's most recognisable golf course, The Royal Canberra Golf Club. Still makes me shiver :P

All i can say is - it went very well and i feel i am in with a good chance to meet with the people in charge and then possibly start shooting next week. Feeling good about it all so far, lets hope it only gets better.

I did also pop into the Federal Golf Club and received a similarly positive response to my story. Not 100% sure yet on whether i should/could photograph at both and combine the images to help tell a much broader story.

Anyway, here are a handful of sneaky snap-shots from yesterday taken with my iPhone.


my first time up Red Hill - panoramic iPhone image.

Royal Canberra Golf Club.

Royal Canberra Golf Club.

Royal Canberra Golf Club.

Federal Golf Club.

Federal Golf Club.

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