Saturday 3 March 2012

Model Release form

(week 7)

After it was brought to my attention in class a few weeks back that there is now a smart-phone application available for photographers to use, i could not help but look into it with further interest and suss it out for myself. I have since purchased the app and have it installed on my iPhone 4s. I am yet to use it properly (due to no work) but the following image is an example of what it is all about, can do, and looks like for the user.

Enjoy :)

(week 3)

The following documents have been sourced from the Australian Commercial and Media Photographers (ACMP) and is available to registered members as part of their Better Business Bible publication.

"Whenever you are photographing people or property for commercial use you should have talent and property owners (or their authorised representatives) sign a release. Releases are a written agreement between you and the model or property owner giving you consent to use the images as outlined in the release. The purpose of course being to protect you from any future litigation and lawsuits that may arise as a result of the images being published in some form".

This final document is the actual form you need to have on you and must fill in and get signed 
by all relative parties.

I am in the process of developing my own model release form and will certainly use this reference to guide me in the right direction.


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