Saturday 10 March 2012

Major Assignment #1.

Lens Research
(week 6)

Ok... so after a bit of initial research into tilt-shift lenses, i discovered it is not the ideal lens for me to consider at the moment for a couple of reasons - the main reason being i felt it was better suited to a full-frame camera body (which i don't have) in order to gain a wider angle of view for architectural photography. Apart from this everything else about them is still quite appealing to me, so will keep it on the wish-list.

So... considering i currently do not have a long (telephoto) lens and my camera has a APSC sensor (focal length advantage) i will now pursue a standout, proven and affordable lens from Canon's "L-series". The 300mm f/4.0 L IS USM lens and i will be comparing it to it's challenger, the far more expensive 300mm f/2.8 L IS USM lens.


(week 4)

Well.. I made a start on this today. I have chosen Canon's tilt-shift lens collection to report on and compare. This is a lens i have had a genuine interest in for just over a year now, but have never looked into seriously, so i look forward to this assignment task even though I was never very good at this type of reporting through school. So i will possibly need some help from staff at the library etc but hey i'm determined and am sure going to give it my best.

tilt and shift adjustments
angle of view options on offer


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