Tuesday 22 May 2012

Documentary Assignment - update.

After reviewing my photographs in class last Monday and getting some positive feedback from both Belinda and my fellow classmates, it was suggested that i now cut down what i had selected (and posted to my blog) to a more refined selection of images that have enough strength to support the story. 

I think the brief asks for a minimum of 6 and maximum of 10 photographs - i have got it down to 23 with the possibility of another visit.

Why visit them again and take more photographs? Well it was also suggested to me that if i am aiming for  an even higher mark for this assignment, a few more close up shots of the workers might be ideal. Guess it's worth another trip, the boys are all familiar with me and it is a nice place to spend a day anyway, so perhaps i will arrange something later this week or next. See how i go..

Anyway, here is a proof-sheet of the 23 photographs i have selected from the 699 shots taken so far. Crickey! I will print these out so i can use the same approach to editing by way of arranging the thumbnails manually rather than keep it all restricted to a computer screen. Should help i reckon :]


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