Tuesday 8 May 2012

Revisiting Royal Canberra (tomorrow)

Okay, so after Belinda taking some time to review the collection of images (thanks again) from my first time shooting at Royal Canberra it was suggested i should try get in close on my next visit to gain a stronger interaction / connection with the subjects themselves with the addition of their environment in the background - thanks to a wide angle lens.

So, I am booked in tomorrow again at 6am with the boys and have only my 10-22mm and 50mm lenses packed this time, not the 70-200mm lens i borrowed last time. This should be fun, because i enjoy the challenge of limiting myself to only one lens as it makes me re-think my approach, my angles and my composition and teaches me to think differently about what i am trying to achieve as a whole. Lets hope it all comes together for me tomorrow ay.

In relation to this, i feel that because i managed to build a fairly solid first impression with the boys last week and gave them time to talk about themselves etc they should hopefully now feel  comfortable with me getting up in their face a bit more tomorrow with my wide.

Weather forecast is for a 5º morning tomorrow, a much more inviting temperature than last Friday's -3º that i managed to push through. Considering all of the above, i do hope it is a productive morning that puts me in a good mood for tomorrow night's wet-darkroom class.


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