Sunday 6 May 2012

Royal Canberra - Day 1


Today was the day...

After a patient wait to commence my documentary assignment (Life of a greenskeeper) the time had come for me to make a start.

The time was 6am and i was at the gate ready for someone to let me in. The temperature was -3ยบ and i had more layers of clothes on than ever before but was still ready to start shooting.

By 6:30am, all the boys had arrived and were ready to be given their chores for the day. Once Michael their manager had given out the orders the place was like a disturbed ant nest. The boys were here there and everywhere, the rattle and puff of two-stroke engines filled the silence that was a freezing April morning in Canberra, but the energy given off by the workers got me going and i began to forget about the temperature somewhat.

The next challenge was to set myself up on one of the spare electric golf buggies (poor-mans Toyota Prius) and try keep up with them as they each ventured off to commence work.

Once the sun began to rose the day became absolutely beautiful, all that you could ask for. Still had to keep my gloves on though so my hands would continue to have some feeling :)

The boys were great to work with. We shared a few yarns, bad jokes, thoughts about society and the 10/10 days mother nature was putting on for us. Not to mention the odd hot-air balloon in the distance.

I had an absolutely brilliant day, was quite worn out by 3pm, but felt happy with the bonds i had built with the blokes i was photographing and the images i had come away with ready for revision in class on Manday. I really hope i receive good feedback on the shots i took.

They are a little out-of-order as to how i took them, but here is a sample of what i achieved on Friday whilst at The Royal Canberra Golf Club.



  1. Hi Andrew. I just wrote a long reply and lost it when trying to publish! Basically great work. Some very strong images. Beware of backlighting and harsh sun when shooting faces, unless you want this. Get in close, get faces and expressions with the backdrop being the fairway etc...Try getting on the sit ons with the in their world. Bring them all in on Monday and we can go through them one by one. Keep up the good work. B

  2. liking your photos andrew it is all very interesting !! my favourite is the one were he is spraying down the machine and it look like mist. V COOL


  3. thanks very much ladies - appreciate the feedback :]

